That said, it has a nice moveset (it is a straight sword, after all.) The weapon art casts Oath of Sunlight, which is a buff similar to that of Sacred Oath. It's kinda strange though, because looking at the stats doesn't show lightning damage. This bad boy doesn't scale with faith, BUT it is infused with lightning. The Saint Bident can be found in the Cathedral of the Deep. This is one of the few weapons that scales with faith, although the scaling isn't very good (maxes out at C with +10 Lightning.) This one is fun, and its weapon art is a charging attack akin to a lance.

I did play a bit with this weapon though, partially because it's not just a spear, but a freaking bident. Why use a weapon with just one pointy end when you can have a weapon with TWO pointy ends? I'm a fan of spear weapons, although they usually aren't my go-to. But there are still a few in the land of Lothric we can use to lay the smackdown on the undead and Lords of Cinder. Unfortunately, faith draws the short straw in terms of the number of scaling weapons we have access to. Rather than respec, I built up my faith and decided I could just play my next character a bit differently. Even though I was quite disappointed in the line of Miracles in this installment, I still stuck to my guns.